I have been told to blog...so here it goes. I really have no idea what I am doing, so wish me luck.
"Mom, Cooper hit me first" First off that is an admittance that the older child hit also, so I guess he just plead guilty. Now they run in circles chasing and whining as to who gets what toy and who is the leader of the pack. If I was to make a wager, I'd put money on the 20 month old. Don't get me wrong, Ryker is all boy too, but Cooper doesn't put up with him and he holds his own. I look forward to the day that thy are equal in size and I am breaking up fights. I once was told that boys are easier because they don't do the drama thing and they aren't as whiny and that might be true to a point. They do whine, they do cry over nothing and more than anything, they break things....lots of things. Smashing, punching, throwing, hitting...toys, each other and pour helpless bugs and food. I would still like a girl so I can make the comparison myself. I still have some convincing in the husband department though.
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